Bibliographic Research for Undergraduates

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Research of University Resources

DIETI Library Study Room 

IMG 20180214 163913

To search for a University resource of any type (paper, digital, ebooks), it is possible to use the fedSearch integrated search mask, which, through a single point, allows the search and localization of printed and online resources made available by the University. University of Naples Federico II.

From this access point, you can choose between the three search fields "All collections", "University catalog", "Electronic resources".

The same page also contains links to Open Access Resources

fedOA - Open University Archive

SHARE magazines - Ejournals open

SHARE books - Series of monographs

ECO - Digital collections

Another tool available to help users in research: Discovery SHARE which allows the search of the books and electronic resources of the libraries of the seven universities belonging to the SHARE Consortium.

Finally SHARE Catalogue cumulative catalog for searching the books of the libraries of the universities belonging to the SHARE Consortium.




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