Bibliographic Research for Undergraduates

icona ricerca

Research of University Resources

DIETI Library Study Room 

IMG 20180214 163913

All students regularly enrolled in the Study Programs of the University of Naples Federico II, Erasmus and PhD students and scholars of scientific subjects are admitted to consultation or daily loan.
During the opening hours of the library, the monographs can also be consulted outside the premises of the library, upon deposit of an identity document which will be returned when the text is returned. The consultation of periodicals can only be carried out in the premises of the library.

The material that cannot be taken outside the library (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Periodicals) can only be consulted in the study room of the DIETI library.

All material must be returned 15 minutes before closing time.

"Fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza "   Dante Alighieri - Divina Commedia 

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